Mortal Kombat: Legacy is an American web series anthology that debuted on’s YouTube channel on April 11, 2011. The show is an adaptation of the fictional universe of the Mortal Kombat video game franchise. The show’s premise originated with director Kevin Tancharoen’s short film entitled Mortal Kombat: Rebirth, portraying the original game’s story in a realistic way, a concept he eventually submitted to Warner Bros. seeking the green-light for production on a re-imagined Mortal Kombat film. Warner Bros. declined to back the film, despite the attention and positive fan reception, but Tancharoen did receive the go-ahead to shoot the web series.IMDB
[FILENAME]:…………………..[ Mortal.Kombat.Legacy.2011.Complete.BluRay.AmoviesZ.comEpisodes Included:
[FORMAT]:…………………..[ Matroska
[iMDB RATING ]………………[ 7.6/10
[DIRECTOR ]………………[
[STARS ]………………[ Johnson Phan, Darren Shahlavi and Andrew Chin
[GENRE]:……………………[ Action | Crime | Fantasy
[FILE SIZE]:………………..[
[VIDEO]:……………….[ 1280x546
[AUDIO]:……………….[ acc 48khz
[LANGUAGE ]:………………..[ eng
[RUNTIME]:………………..[ ~10 mins x 9
1. Jax, Sonya and Kano (Part 1)
2. Jax, Sonya and Kano (Part 2)
3. Johnny Cage
4. Kitana & Mileena (Part 1)
5. Kitana & Mileena (Part 2)
6. Raiden
7. Scorpion and Sub Zero (Part 1)
8. Scorpion and Sub Zero (Part 2)
9. Cyrax & Sektor
PART 1 -
PART 2 -
PART 3 -